MBR Technology

1. Equalization

The fl ow of incoming sewage varies by time of day. The Equalization tank balances out peak fl ow events to ensure a steady & homogenized fl ow rate. Physical treatment is on the incoming sewage to remove nuisance debris.

2. Process Zone

Air is continuously added through diffusers to maintain an aerobic environment where suspended bacteria oxidize organics and ammonia. For more stringent effl uent criteria, dentrifi cation and/or phosphorus removal can be incorporated.

3. Membrane Filtration

Mixed liquor is drawn through the MicroClear® membranes, which act as a physical barrier to suspended solids, bacteria, viruses and protozoa.



是一家设在泰国曼谷近郊的跨国集团环保工程公司,它由多家外商与泰国商人共同集资成立,在泰国从事环境保护工程项目,其主要业务着重于泰国废水处理、泰国废气处理及工业用水处理的工程规划、设计和施工。公司自1992年成立以来,已为泰国当地数百家厂商规划、设计和施工各种水、空气处理等相关项目,其技术水平、服务态度和施工质量深得泰国政府有关部门官员和厂商的好评。 更多...


Address In Thailand: 121/1 Moo 4, Lieab Klong Kaerai, Tambol Kaerai, Amphur Kratumban, Samutsakorn 74110
TEL: +66 86 903 1719, +66 81 614 4571
FAX: (034) 876128, (034) 876174
Email: crowntech171@gmail.com, toneychang9494@gmail.com